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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(29) 2018 » Gas-hydrodynamics in the Arctic craters of gas blowout GAS-HYDRODYNAMICS IN THE ARCTIC CRATERS OF GAS BLOWOUTJOURNAL: No. 1(29) 2018, p. 48-55HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Bogoyavlensky, V.I. ORGANIZATIONS: Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-48-55 UDC: 502:631.4(98) The article was received on: 06.01.2018 Keywords: pingo (blow-up), funnels, volcano, gas blowout (emission), remote sensing of the Earth, satellite images, crater, monitoring, remote sensing of the Earth Bibliographic description: Bogoyavlensky, V.I. Gas-hydrodynamics in the Arctic craters of gas blowout. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 1(29), pp. 48-55. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-48-55. (In Russian). Abstract: The natural genesis of the formation of the Seyakhinsky crater of gas blowout in 2017 is given and grounded. According to the data of remote monitoring from space of the state of the Antipayutinsky crater of gas release in 2016-2017, revealed the formation on the surface of the crater lake new object. With high probability, it corresponds to a new a dome-shaped mound, destroyed by the gas-hydrodynamic emission. This testifies to the ongoing active gas-hydrodynamics with possible repeated emissions and gas explosions, which can occur in many potentially hazardous facilities and lead to extremely dangerous natural, technogenic and ecological situations. References: 1. Bogoyavlensky V. I. Ugroza katastrofi cheskikh vybrosov gaza iz kriolitozony Arktiki. Voronki Yamala i Taimyra. [The threat of catastrophic gas blowouts form the Arctic permafrost]. Burenie i neſt’, 2014, no. 9, pp. 13—18. (In Russian). 2. Bogoyavlensky V. I. Ugroza katastrofi cheskikh vybrosov gaza iz kriolitozony Arktiki. Voronki Yamala i Taimyra. Ch. 2. [The threat of catastrophic gas blowouts form the Arctic permafrost. Pt. 2]. Burenie i neſt’, 2014, no. 10, pp. 4—8. (In Russian). 3. Bogoyavlensky V. I. Arktika i Mirovoi okean: sovremennoe sostoyanie, perspektivy i problemy osvoeniya resursov uglevodorodov. [Arctic and the World Ocean: current state, perspectives and challenges of hydrocarbon production]. Monografi ya. Moscow, Izd-vo VEO Rossii, 2014, pp. 12—175. (Tr. Vol’nogo ekon. o-va Rossii; vol. 182, no. 3). (In Russian). 4. Bogoyavlensky V. I., Sizov O. S., Bogoyavlenskii I. V., Nikonov R. A. Distantsionnoe vyyavlenie uchastkov poverkhnostnykh gazoproyavlenii i gazovykh vybrosov v Arktike: poluostrov Yamal. [Remote detection of near surface gas shows and blowouts in Arctic: Yamal peninsula]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, no. 3 (23), pp. 4—13. (In Russian). 5. Bogoyavlensky V. I. Prirodnye i tekhnogennye ugrozy pri osvoenii mestorozhdenii neſt i i gaza v Arktike. [Natural and man-made threats during the development of oil and gas fi elds in the Arctic]. Sb. dokladov konferentsii “Dostizheniya nauki kak osnova nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa v ustoichivom perspektivnom razvitii gazovoi otrasli”. Noosfera, 2016, no. 1, pp. 48—67. (In Russian). 6. Bogoyavlensky V. I., Bogoyavlenskii I. V., Nikonov R. A. Rezul’taty aerokosmicheskikh i ekspeditsionnykh issledovanii krupnykh vybrosov gaza na Yamale v raione Bovanenkovskogo mestorozhdeniya. [Results of aerial, space and fi eld investigations of large gas blowouts near Bovanenkovo fi eld on Yamal peninsula]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2017, no. 3 (27), pp. 4—17. (In Russian). 7. Bogoyavlensky V. I., Perekalin S. O., Boichuk V. M. et al. Katastrofa na Kumzhinskom gazokondensatnom mestorozhdenii: prichiny, rezul’taty, puti ustraneniya posledstvii. [Kumzhinskoye Gas Condensate Field Disaster: reasons, results and ways of eliminating the consequences]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2017, no. 1 (25), pp. 32—46. (In Russian). 8. Leibman M. O., Dvornikov Yu. A., Khomutov A. V. et al. Vodno-khimicheskie osobennosti vody ozer i voronok gazovogo vybrosa, vlozhennykh v morskie otlozheniya severa Zapadnoi Sibiri. [Water-chemical features of the water of lakes and funnels of the gas emission, invested in marine deposits of the north of Western Siberia]. Geologiya morei i okeanov: materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Shkoly) po morskoi geologii. Vol. 4. Moscow, IO RAN, 2017, pp. 117—121. (In Russian). 9. Kizyakov A. I., Sonyushkin A. V., Khomutov A. V. et al. Otsenka rel’efoobrazuyushchego eff ekta obrazovaniya Antipayutinskoi voronki gazovogo vybrosa po dannym sputnikovoi stereos”emki. [Evaluation of the reliefforming eff ect of the formation of the Antipayutinsky funnel of the gas emission according to satellite stereoscopic data]. Sovrem. problemy distants. zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2017, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 67—75. (In Russian). Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594