Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(35) 2019 » Mineral and raw material base of the Karelian Arctic: prospects of development and exploration


JOURNAL: No. 3(35) 2019, p. 123-134

HEADING: Study and development of nature resources of the Arctic

AUTHORS: Ivashchenko, V.I., Shchiptsov, V.V.

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Geology of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-3-123-134

UDC: 553.04(470.22)

The article was received on: 01.04.2019

Keywords: Arctic zone, deposit, mineral resource base, Precambrian, Karelia, minerageny, noble metals, molybdenum, industrial minerals

Bibliographic description: Ivashchenko, V.I., Shchiptsov, V.V. Mineral and raw material base of the Karelian Arctic: prospects of development and exploration. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 3(35), pp. 123-134. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-3-123-134. (In Russian).


The minerageny the Karelian Arctic territory is determined by endogenous processes that developed during the formation of the Archean greenstone belts (Mo, Au, Re), structural-material complexes of the Proterozoic North Norvegian-Onega Rift (Pt, Pd, Au, U) and of the Svecofennian metamorphogenic collage of the White Sea Rift (Pt, Pd, Au, industrial minerals). Its mineral and raw material base as part of a wide range of deposits of highly demanded industrial minerals and strategic and scarce metals is currently practically not used, although it has real prerequisites for its long-term development.

It includes large resources of gold (~440 tons), platinum group metals (~270 tons), molybdenum (~240 thousand tons), kyanite (~11 million tons), garnet (~60 million tons), feldspar raw materials (8,2 million tons) and other industrial minerals (high-purity quartz, fine-flaked muscovite, ilmenite), as well as non-conventional minerals (quartz porphyry, nepheline and alkaline syenites, anorthosites, olivinites and dunites). The ore objects of the Karelian Arctic, most prepared for industrial exploitation, are porphyritic deposits of molybdenum (Lobash) and gold (Lobash-1) and metamorphogenic — kyanite (Khizovaarskoe) and garnet (Terbeostrov, Hill-181).

The development of the mineral resource base of the Karelian Arctic is promoted by: the territory favorable geographical position; temperate climate; developed transport and energy infrastructure; positive results of ore technological tests of deposits of noble metals, molybdenum and industrial minerals. The development is hampered by the lack of a comprehensive target program for the development of the Karelian Arctic mining complex, imperfect regulatory and legislative framework for subsoil use, lack of geological and economic research to develop optimal schemes for rational, integrated and environmentally safe use of mineral resources coupled with the organization of raw material deep processing and finding the efficient involvement forms for both the state and private business.

Finance info: Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке программы НИР ПФНИ ГАН на период 2013—2020 гг. (тема № 210) и программы фундаментальных исследований Президиума РАН 1.48 (проект 13).


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594