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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(32) 2018 » Under ice oil spill response in the remote Arctic waters UNDER ICE OIL SPILL RESPONSE IN THE REMOTE ARCTIC WATERSJOURNAL: No. 4(32) 2018, p. 30-42HEADING: Ecology AUTHORS: Toropov, E.E., Shabalin, A.A., Mokhov, O.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering «Rubin» DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-4-30-42 UDC: 504.054 The article was received on: 10.04.2018 Keywords: emergency oil spills, under-ice oil spills, Arctic conditions, volumes of oil spills, oil spill detection methods, oil spill response means, skimmers, dispersants, underwater platform, subsea transportation&installation and service facility Bibliographic description: Toropov, E.E., Shabalin, A.A., Mokhov, O.A. Under ice oil spill response in the remote Arctic waters. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 4(32), pp. 30-42. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-4-30-42. (In Russian). Abstract: The current Russian requirements for oil spill response (OSR), including the necessary composition of OSR forces and means, as well as data of operating companies on the causes and volumes of oil spills taken into account when preparing OSR plans, are considered. Existing OSR means demonstrate their effectiveness both in ice-free water areas and in waters covered with ice cohesiveness up to 80%. With increasing ice cohesion, the effectiveness of these means decreases. The features of oil spills under solid ice are described. It is noted that the pollution area will be significantly less than when spilled in open water. Solid ice cover and an increase in oil viscosity at low temperatures will naturally restrain the spill boundaries. The general picture of spills can be obtained by means of computer modeling, using current information on natural conditions. Under-ice oil spill detection and determination of spill boundaries can be arranged both by means provided for at hydrocarbon exploration and production facilities and by means installed on the specialized carriers — Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (sonar detection equipment and ground-penetrating radars) and on aircraft carries (ground-penetrating radars). At present, there are no OSR means that could be used in remote waters covered with solid ice. To ensure OSR during the development of hydrocarbon deposits in these waters, an engineering facility is proposed based on an underwater carrier and consisting of a movable skimmer, a flexible hose, a reservoir for storing collected oil and polluted water, as well as other equipment. References: 1. Federal’nyi zakon “O kontinental’nom shel’fe Rossiiskoi Federatsii” ot 30 noyabrya 1995 g. ¹ 187-FZ (red. ot 02.05.2015). 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594