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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(24) 2016 » Arctic entrepreneurship: the conditions and opportunities for development ARCTIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP: THE CONDITIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENTJOURNAL: No. 4(24) 2016, p. 4-15HEADING: Economics and management in the Arctic zone AUTHORS: Pilyasov, A.N., Zamyatina, N.Y. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute for Regional Consulting, Council for Study of Productive Forces UDC: 332.1 Keywords: Arctic enterprise, state policy, small-scale and medium business, social entrepreneurship Bibliographic description: Pilyasov, A.N., Zamyatina, N.Y. Arctic entrepreneurship: the conditions and opportunities for development. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 4(24), pp. 4-15. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The features, problems and prospects of entrepreneurship in the Arctic, its social importance and the necessary support measures are characterized. The level of development of business in some Arctic regions of Russia is analyzed. Finance info: статье отражены результаты работы по гранту РФФИ-ЯНАО № 16-46-890363 «Арктическое предпринимательство как фактор устойчивого развития экономики Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа» References: 1. Bornshteyn D. Kak izmenit mir: Sotsialnoye predprinimatelstvo i sila novykh idey [How to Change the World Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas]. Per. s angl. Moscow, Alpina Pablisher, 2012. 2. Zakon Rossiyskoy Federatsii «O gosudarstvennykh garantiyakh i kompensatsiyakh dlya lits. rabotayushchikh i prozhivayushchikh v rayonakh Kraynego Severa i priravnennykh k nim mestnostyakh» ot 19 fevralya 1993 g. № 4520-I (s posleduyushchimi izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). razdel III «O prodolzhitelnosti otpuskov» [The law of the Russian Federation "On state guarantees and compensations for persons working and living in the Far North and areas equated to them" of February 19, 1993 № 4520-I (with subsequent amendments and additions), section III "On the duration of holidays"].(In Russian). 3. Zamyatina N. Yu., Pilyasov A. N. Rossiya, kotoruyu my obreli: issleduya prostranstvo na mikrourovne. [Russia, which we have found: exploring space at the micro level]. Moscow, Novyy khronograf, 2013, р.542. (In Russian). 4. Pilyasov A. N. Trest «Dalstroy» kak superorganizatsiya. [Trust "Dalstroy" as a superorganization]. Kolyma, 1993, no. 8, рр. 34—37; no. 9—10, рр. 37—41; no. 11, рр. 28—33. (In Russian). 5. Prezident «Opory Rossii» vystupil s dokladom na zasedanii Gossoveta. [President of "OPORA Russia" made a report at the meeting of the state Council]. Available at: http://new.opora.ru/news/federal/969-prezident-opory-rossii-vystupil-s-dokladom-na-zasedanii-gossoveta-rf. (In Russian). 6. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii" ot 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ [Labor code of the Russian Federation" of 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ]. (In Russian). 7. Shelikhova E. Razvitiye predprinimatelstva — zadacha gosudarstvennoy vazhnosti. [Development of entrepreneurship — a task of national importance]. Available at: http://www.muravlenko.com/novosti/vse-novosti/5317-razvitie-predprinimatelstva-zadacha.html. (In Russian). 8. Arctic Human Development Report: Regional Processes and Global Linkages / Eds. J. Larsen. G. Fondahl. [S. l.]: TemaNord. 2014. 500 p. 9. Hofstede G. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-related Values. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 1980. Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594