Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


"Arctic: Ecology and Economy"  is a research and analysis journal, has been established and is being published since 2011. The founder of the Journal is the Federal State Budgetary Institute of Science Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN).

It is released 4 times a year.

Vasiliy I. BogoyavlenskyCorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is Editor-in-Сhief of the Journal.

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий ВАК), where are to be published the main scientific results of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of the candidate of sciences, the degree of Doctor of Sciences (came into effect on December 1, 2015), according to the branches of science: Economic Sciences and Earth Sciences and according to groups of scientific specialties: Shipbuilding and Safety of human activities.

The journal is registered:

In the Register ISSN 2223-4594;

In Roskomnadzor PI № FS77-50177 dated June 06, 2012.


The Journal subject

The journal "Arctic: Ecology and Economy" is a research and analysis periodical that covers the main challenges and achievements of Russian and foreign science in the field of studying, exploration and providing favorable environmental conditions for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the Arctic as a whole.

The main purpose of the Journal is to provide the broad strata of the scientific community, employees of federal and regional legislative and executive bodies, research and production enterprises, students, graduate students and businessmen with the opportunity to get acquainted with the results of scientific research and applied developments on key issues of study and economic development of the Arctic, as well as the preservation of its unique ecology. The comprehensive coverage of the relevant issues of Arctic exploration and development favors the creation of scientific basis for justification of the government decisions on domestic and international Arctic issues and economic activities in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent areas. The study of ecological and geographical factors that can reduce risks in the development of the Arctic regions also has an important place here.

The tasks of the Journal are:

  • providing scientists with the opportunity to publish the results of their research on Arctic issues and to achieve an international level of scientific publications of the Journal;
  • attracting the attention of the scientific and business community to the most relevant and promising areas of research on the subject of the Journal;
  • involving in the journal authoritative domestic and foreign authors, who are specialists of the highest level.

For the purpose of an integrated approach to the problems of the Arctic, the magazine includes the following sections: "Economics and Management of the Arctic zone", "Ecology", "Research in the Arctic", "Research and development of the natural resources in the Arctic", "Shipbuilding for the Arctic", "Problems of the Northern Sea Route", "New technology for development in the Arctic ", "Problems of the Regions", "Governance in the Arctic", "Safety of human activities in the Arctic", "The quality and standard of living of North Indigenous Peoples".

The section "Economics and Management of the Arctic zone" provides for publication of the results of researches on economic systems of different scales, levels and fields of activity in the Arctic zone, their state, development and forecasting, as well as the methods and techniques for management of these systems.

The section "Ecology" covers the problems of assessing the ecological conditions of the Arctic as a whole, its territories and water areas and human impact on the natural environment of the Arctic.

The section "Research in the Arctic" covers the results of research of the water masses and the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, adjacent areas, the Arctic climate and its impact on Earth’s climate.

The section "Research and development of the natural resources in the Arctic" provides the results of scientific work in the field of forecasting, prospecting and exploration of oil, gas and other mineral resources, including marine minerals, and development and exploitation of these deposits.

The section "Shipbuilding for the Arctic" provides the results of research on the theory, design and construction of vessels and offshore structures for ice arctic conditions.

The section "Problems of the Northern Sea Route" covers the issues of its state, laws of functioning, planning, management and development, as well as problems of activity and further development of the Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet. Great importance is attached to publications on preservation of the Northern Sea Route as a national Russian traffic artery.

The section "New technology for development in the Arctic" includes the problems of developing new and improving existing technology for development of mineral resources of the Arctic zone and rational use of its natural resources.

The section "Problems of the Regions" covers the issues of sustainable development of the regions of the Arctic zone, socio-economic policy and managing their economies and nature.

The section "Governance in the Arctic" covers the issues of public administration of structural changes in the economy, forms and mechanisms of interaction between the Federation and regions in addressing the key issues of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone.

The section "Safety of human activities in the Arctic" covers the problems of trouble-free operation of economic entities in the Arctic to avoid damage to the environment, as well as technologies and equipment for mitigation of environmental accidents and disasters.

The section "The quality and standard of living of North Indigenous Peoples " includes the analytical information materials about the problems of life and activity of the population of the Russian Arctic, preservation and development of its population and cultural heritage, as well as on the impact of growing economic activity in the regions on the life of northern peoples.

© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594