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Geophysicist and Permafrost Lab Leader, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. Doctor of Geophysics, Professor.
Phone: (907) 474-7459 Fax: (907) 474-7290 Email: veromanovsky@alaska.edu Address: Geophysical Institute
Vladimir E. Romanovsky was born in the city of Barnaul; in 1975, he graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and received a diploma with honors in Geophysics, in 1985 - there he also defended a diploma with honors in Mathematics. In 1982, he became a Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. In 1996, he received an international degree of Doctor of Geophysics (Ph.D. Geophysics) from the University of Alaska (USA). Vladimir E. Romanovsky traveled all over the world, conducted research in various parts of the planet with permafrost: in Canada, Greenland, Northern Mongolia, worked in Yamal, Yakutia, and Baikal. The high reputation of Professor Romanovsky is based not only on awards and recognition of colleagues, but also on the citation of his scientific materials. V.E. Romanovsky’s citation index, the so-called Hirsch index, is one of the world records: in SCOPUS — 64, in Web of Science — 29. Area of interests: scientific and practical aspects of environmental and engineering problems involving ice and permafrost, these include problems in the areas of soil physics, thermodynamics, heat and mass flow, growth and decay processes associated with subaerial and subaqueous permafrost, seasonally frozen ground and seasonal snow cover, as well as the improvement of mathematical methods (analytical and numerical modeling) in geology and geophysics. Personal page on the Geophysical Institute website https://permafrost.gi.alaska.edu/users/vromanovsky | ||||
© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594