Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


Scientific articles in the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy” can be published in both Russian and English. The Guidelines take into account the recommendations and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers.

The Journal editors strive to ensure that the main provisions and conclusions of published articles are accessible not only to Russian-speaking readers, but also to a wide foreign audience using English in their work. An article published in Russian should contain the English part, and an article published in English should contain the Russian part, respectively. The article structure is described below in the relevant sections. 

The editors reserve the right not to consider articles if they are not formatted in accordance with the Guidelines, as well as if the accompanying documents and materials listed below are not attached to the article. A notice of refusal to accept an article for consideration in this case is sent by the Journal Editorial Board to the author (s) of the article. 

General Information 

Articles proposed for publication in the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy” should contain original material that has never been published before and meets the following criteria: profile (correspondence to the Journal subject), scientific novelty, and practical significance. 

The author (s), before sending the manuscript to the editors, is/are encouraged: 

  • to review the Statement on the Ethics of Research and Published Works and, if necessary, prepare the information and permits required in accordance with this Statement;
  • to check independently the manuscript for illegal borrowings using the Anti-Plagiarism system and, if necessary, make the appropriate changes.

Manuscripts of articles should be submitted to the Journal Editorial Office on electronic media or by e-mail in the form of MS Word files (Word 1997-2003, Word 2010). The article should be executed on the basis of a template in MS Word format, which should be previously downloaded from the Journal website (section “For Authors”). 

The volume of the manuscript (including the text, figures, tables, references, as well as the English part) is to be no more than 45—50 thousand characters with spaces. 

The following supporting materials should be attached to the article: 

  • License agreement with the author (s) of the article on the right to use a scientific work for publication in the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy”. A template of the Agreement text is posted on the Journal website in the section “For Authors / Licensing Policy and Copyright”. In the process of preparing an article for publication, the authors need to download a template of the Agreement from the Journal website, supplement it with information about the article and its authors, and forward a scan of the Agreement signed by all the co-authors to the Journal Editorial Office by e-mail.
  • Illustrative material: in the form of separate files, the name of which should indicate the number of the figure in the text of the article; in the article, these illustrations should be placed in the required places, providing with captions in both Russian and English.

If there are initial data for the diagrams and graphs used in the article, the editors recommend that the authors provide them as separate files (this will provide the opportunity to bring all the graphs and diagrams in the article to a single form).

The preferred formats for graphs and charts are Microsoft Excel (*.xls), Windows Metafile (*.wmf) or Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps), for photos and figures - JPEG (*.jpg), TIFF (*.tif), Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps). Photos (figures) should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi in the RGB or Grayscale color model. 

Units of physical quantities should be represented in the SI system. Decimals should be followed by a comma. Formulas should be typed in the MathType software version 6.x. Footnotes (links) should have end-to-end numbering. 

Figures, tables, diagrams, photos are provided either original author’s ones or their source should be indicated. 

The article structure

Formatting of the article text, tables, figures, captions, the use of fonts is carried out in accordance with the article template, which is available for download on the Journal website in the section “For Authors”.

In the article, several blocks are conventionally allocated.

I.    Information about the article in Russian:

  • title of the article (in lower case letters);
  • DOI of the article (indicated by the Journal editors during preparation for publication);
  • the article UDC;
  • information about the author(s) of the article in Russian: last name, first name, middle name (in full), academic degree and scientific rank (if any), position, address data of the author(s) - organization(s) that he (they) represent(s), full postal address of the organization(s), e-mail of all or one of the authors;
  • information on sources of research funding;
  • a brief annotation (the author’s abstract) (up to 600 characters, including spaces);
  • Keywords (up to 10).

In the process of preparing the article, authors are strongly encouraged to use the List of keywords, which is available on the Journal website in the "Index" section; it is recommended to select keywords for the article that are already presented in the Index; if the required words are not in the Index, the author(s) of the article should include these keywords/phrases in the text of the article with due adequate translation into English.

II.   The text of the article.

At the end of the article one can put an acknowledgement to the persons who assisted in the preparation of the article. The acknowledgement is given in Russian, and then in English (Acknowledgments).

III.  List of literature/References.

References to the sources in the list of used literature are numbered consecutively, in the order of their first mention in the text. Links in the text, tables and signatures to the figures are denoted by Arabic numerals [in square brackets] and, if necessary, a specific page(s) is indicated. Only semantic footnotes (comments, additions, etc.) remain subscribed. Links referring only to tables or figure captions should be numbered according to the first mention in the text of a certain table or figure.

Links to information, official and other sources (including Internet resources) that are not scientific and analytical materials, should be provided in a footnote.

The list of all used literature is given in the original language, registration in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008.

If the cited source has a DOI index, it should also be indicated in the list of references (at the end of the bibliographic description of the source).

For a correct reference to the published article, its bibliographic description in Russian should be given.

IV.   Information about the article in English:

  • the title (in lower case letters translated into English);
  • information about the author(s) (in English): last name, first name, middle name (in full), academic degree and scientific rank (if any), position, address data of the author(s) - organization(s) that he (they) represent(s), full postal address of the organization(s), e-mail of all or one of the authors;
  • information on the sources of research funding;
  • detailed annotation (in English, the Russian text, from which the translation is made should also be given) (about 300 words);
  • keywords or phrases (in English) (up to 10);
  • a list of all used literature (References) is given in Latin (sources in English, French, German and other languages in the original, Russian-language sources in transliteration and in square brackets translation into English);
  • for articles from Russian journals with a translated version in English, the bibliographic data of the translated article should be indicated;
  • bibliographic description of the article in English.

The author bears full responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic sources, including their translation into English. 

Requirements for Annotations

1. The annotation should be informative (not to contain general words), meaningful (reflect the main content of the article, describe the main goals and methods of research, summarize the most important research results and their scientific significance), structured (follow the logic of the article construction).

2. The annotation in Russian can be compact (fit into one paragraph, the volume up to 600 characters including spaces).

3. The English annotation should be sufficiently explicit and detailed (average volume - 250-300 words), written in competent English using a special English terminology. Categorically avoid using common, meaningless words, only increasing the volume, but not contributing to the disclosure of the content of the article. The English annotation should be original, i.e. the tracing-paper (literal translation) of the short Russian annotation is inadmissible.

Requirements to the text structure of the article

The overwhelming majority of international scientific journals accept the structure of an article describing the results of a study consisting of the following main sections: introduction, methods (materials and methods), results and discussion, conclusions (summary).

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy” adheres to these requirements, but also accepts a different structure according to the specifics of a particular article, subject to a limited volume and a clear naming of the sections.

© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594