Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » Volume 12, No. 2, 2022 » Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry Projects


JOURNAL: Volume 12, No. 2, 2022, p. 211-223

HEADING: Economics and management in the Arctic zone

AUTHORS: Tarasova, O.V., Rusyaev, S.M.

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Îceanography

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-2-211-223

UDC: 330.332.7, 639.3, 332.133.6, 338.43

The article was received on: 16.02.2022

Keywords: investment project, Chukotka Autonomous Area, commercial fish farming, multiplicative effect, aqua territorial production complexes

Bibliographic description: Tarasova, O.V., Rusyaev, S.M. Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry Projects. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2022, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 211-223. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-2-211-223. (In Russian).


The work is focused on studying the possibilities and assessing the prospects for creating fish-breeding enterprises in the Russian Arctic, taking into account the existing and planned infrastructure provision. The authors presented and tested the methodology for assessing the multiplicative effects on the example of a fish-breeding enterprise in the city of Pevek. The methodology is based on simulation modeling and scenario approach. Consideration of the place of bioresources in the Arctic aquatic production complexes with the usage of economic-mathematical evaluation methods was performed for the first time. The authors prove that the fish-breeding project of the Chukot Autonomous District has acceptable indicators of economic efficiency, as well as a fairly significant social potency, while the main volume of multiplicative effects is localized at the regional level. The estimates obtained can be useful when making decisions regarding the development of aquaculture in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as determining the spatial configuration of centers of economic activity in this region.

Finance info: The work of O. V. Tarasova over the material was carried out within the framework of the research project of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 121040100262-7.

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594