Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(38) 2020 » Northern city-base: its special features and potential for the Arctic development


JOURNAL: No. 2(38) 2020, p. 4-17

HEADING: Economics and management in the Arctic zone

AUTHORS: Zamyatina, N.Y.

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute for Regional Consulting

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-2-4-17

UDC: 911.3, 332.14

The article was received on: 05.01.2020

Keywords: Far East, Arctic development, north of Eurasia, innovative development, resource development projects, service, urban center, city-base

Bibliographic description: Zamyatina, N.Y. Northern city-base: its special features and potential for the Arctic development. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2020, no. 2(38), pp. 4-17. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-2-4-17. (In Russian).


A special type of northern city is considered as the base for the resource area development, acting, on the one hand, as a source of labor attracted by the shift method, and on the other (and this is more important) — as a center of intellectual and service activities that provide the development possibility. The specifics of the North and Arctic conditions complicates the development of the manufacturing industry, which is associated with the paradoxical possibilities of diversifying the economy of such a city-base precisely due to service activities, development of services and individual industries focused on meeting the unique demand of the served territory. In case of further development of these unique, “endemic” northern types of activity, the formation of the corresponding specialization of the city-base is possible, not only in the regional, but also in wider markets. The author examined in detail Magadan, although not officially related to the Arctic, but historically intended as a base for the development of the entire North-East of the country (including Chukotka) and hypothetically having the potential as an already modern base for the intellectual, innovative development of the Far Eastern segment of the Russian Arctic.

Finance info: The study was carried out with the financial support Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of scientific projects no 18-05-60088 “Sustainability of the development of Arctic cities in the conditions of natural and climatic changes and socio-economic transformations”.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594