Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(17) 2015 » Mobile Marine Drilling Rig in Arctic Version (choice of a concept)


JOURNAL: No. 1(17) 2015, p. 31-37

HEADING: Shipbuilding for the Arctic

AUTHORS: Sochneva, I.O., Sochnev, O.Y.

ORGANIZATIONS: International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy of MGIMO, Rosneft Oil Company

UDC: 622,629

Keywords: water depth, ice conditions, mobility, mobile marine drilling rig

Bibliographic description: Sochneva, I.O., Sochnev, O.Y. Mobile Marine Drilling Rig in Arctic Version (choice of a concept). Arctic: ecology and economy, 2015, no. 1(17), pp. 31-37. DOI: . (In Russian).


Russian Arctic seas are characterized by multi-year ice. Exploration and appraisal drilling in these areas without the use of modern technology in the ice-resistant performance is impossible. In addition, assessment of the possibility to increase global production of hydrocarbons is related to the Arctic. This fact explains the active efforts of world leaders of oil and gas industry to create drilling rigs for year-round drilling. However, progress in this direction is small, although the works are active for more than thirty years.

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594